(38 of 50) CLT & Taiwan: 2nd Sign about a ‘Teacher’ Which Should Make You Worried: Part (i)

Is it the truth.png


Six Signs Which Should Make You Worried About a ‘Teacher’: 2nd Sign [Part i]

So, let’s continue with the next sign which should make you worried. This sign goes very much to the philosophy and work ethic of a teacher, so I will need three posts [(i), (ii), and (iii)] to fully explore this. This is the first post of these post, Part (i).

Sign That You Should Be Worried 2

The school or teacher only uses a whiteboard.

It’s really simple. There’s no excuse for this anymore. Even in my early days of teaching, the classroom had an ‘OHP’ (= Overhead Projector) allowing plastic ‘transparencies’ to be placed on a machine on the table. This projected images onto a screen.

These days, of course, the projectors are linked to computers, and PowerPoint programs can be used. There are also ‘smart’ whiteboard; electronic whiteboards, and other pieces of technology.

So why is your teacher ‘talking and chalking’ on a whiteboard? It belongs to a TEFL world from 30 years ago. Those days were old and primitive. Things were slower and more inefficient. The technology has now moved on! Why haven’t the teachers?

Here are three reasons why using a whiteboard is bad.


Whiteboards are incredibly inefficient. They waste so much time as the teachers write. It is just too slow. And then it is all erased. Tick tick tick. So much wasted time. And can you even read the handwriting? And as the ink particles settle all over the place, and the room gets dirtier and dirtier, you might realise that in IELTS preparation, you need to learn a lot, and learn it quickly. The ‘talk and chalk’ approach doesn’t give you this.


Whiteboards don’t allow pictures to be easily shown, and such visuals are essential to good teaching. It is a key part of any TEFL training course.

Even in my early days of teaching (Bangkok, 1990), I at least held up magazine pictures all the time. I began collecting them in special folders. That happened when I first worked for British Council. Now of course, I just click a button, and the beautiful illustrative picture is instantly there, projected directly onto the screen. My lessons are full of such pictures. Pictures are interesting, engaging, and easily recognisable, and that helps your learn!

A classroom that doesn’t use pictures is the opposite, and whiteboards make it that way.


Whiteboards are static and still – a boring. On a whiteboard, nothing moves, nothing flashes, and nothing can be revealed piece by piece. There is nothing cute, nothing innovative and nothing dynamic. It is the very opposite to a controlled, programmed, and projected image. It is just bad.

The next post will consider this same issue of whiteboards versus powerpoint, and draw some conclusions about the ‘talk and chalk’ teachers.

Now, check that you know the meaning of the underlined vocabulary (also repeated below).

  • to project (v) // a projector (n)
  • to be transparent (adj)
  • to chalk (v)
  • to be primitive (adj)
  • a particle (n)
  • to be visual (adj)
  • to be illustrative (adj)
  • to be engaging (adj)
  • to be static (adj)
  • to be innovative (adj)
  • to be dynamic (adj)

If you want to find out more about me, go to aisielts.com .

(37 of 50) CLT & TAIWAN: Six Signs About a Teacher Which Should Make You Worried: 1st Sign

Check for Facts.jpg


Six Signs about a Teacher Which Should Make You Worried: 1st Sign

So, if you have read all these posts, you should be able to work out many of the signs that your teacher/school is not a real teacher/school, but instead just a person off the street armed with all the tricks to get your money.

But now I’ll move to six signs which should make you just ….. very worried about the teacher/school. These signs do not mean the teacher is a bad, not real, or fake, but they do mean you should think very carefully, and find out more.

You are advised to take these signs very carefully.

Six Signs Which Should Make You Worried: 1st Sign

Sign That You Should Be Worried 1

The school or teacher does not allow observation.

No observation? Hmmmm. Why not? Is the school or the teacher hiding something? Do they know that if you did observe, you might see a reality which they don’t want you to see?

Let me ask you a question. Would you buy a car without seeing it? Would you buy a house without seeing it? What about a bicycle? A computer?  

Obviously, if you are going to buy anything which you need to rely on, you need to see it! If you can’t do this, you are going in totally blindly, and that’s dangerous. As I say on my website: ‘True gold is not afraid of fire.’ That’s a translation from a Chinese proverb, and it’s certainly true.

So why do students pay so much without even knowing what they will get? It does not sound like a good idea to me, and remember, after you pay, it can be very difficult to get your money back. How about at least asking questions such as …

  1. Does the teacher have TEFL qualifications?
  2. Can I see them? Are there certified copies on the wall?
  3. What language does the teacher use in the classroom?
  4. Can I see the coursebook which is used? [It’s not from mainland China, is it?]
  5. Is an overhead projector used? [The teacher isn’t just going to write on a whiteboard?]
  6. How will the teacher correct my written homework? [Not in the class, I hope!]
  7. Can you explain the method the teacher will use in the teaching? [There is a method?]
  8. Can you describe a typical class?

Also, be careful of videos of classes. The school/teacher would obviously show you a ‘model’ video of a classroom. It would be their ‘best’ teacher, and the students might be all be ‘fake students’, and it’s all just a performance. Also, be careful of video testimonies. These are often faked as well. [Trust me: I’ve seen it happening – for example, students giving video testimonies even though they had never been taught before, in order to get discounts on a course they want to do.]

To sum up, you need to see YOUR teacher, and you need to see a REAL class – the sort of class you are actually paying for. Remember, sometimes you are paying a lot of money for this.

The next post will consider the 2nd sign which should worry you.

Now, check that you know the meaning of the underlined vocabulary (also repeated below).

  • a reality (n)
  • to be blind (v)
  • a proverb (n)
  • to be certified (adj/V3)
  • a projector (n)
  • a model (n)

If you want to find out more about me, go to aisielts.com .

[心得] 弱底強拚三個月雅思5.5-7 + Andrew作文班


首先附上人權 : L>8.5 R>7 W>6 S>6.5








項,因為之前考過了幾次都是5-5.5收場,沒想到 ! 補習之後考了還是5.5!千萬不要覺




每個人研究的都不同但是架構永遠不變 按照老師的架構 開頭語、連接詞,段落轉換起


了。老師的名言就是:要有耐心! 沒錯的,慢慢來比較快。謝謝老師



以下是強拚90天的操作方式歡迎服用,內容有點長但我覺得看完不會後悔。 =============================================================================

聽力部分 :




















閱讀部分 :



































寫作部分 :







Technological development (evolution)幾乎都可以當作最開始的兩個字想下展開,原

則上分四段,第一段背景 絕對要確立你站在哪一方,不管背景屁再多在第一段結束之前

In my opinion 後面接立場,這樣才會有分數。再來就是二三段起承轉合自己舉例切忌不

管再扯都要堅持自己的論點不要寫一寫倒戈那就完了,最後一段就直接將In conclusion




議找一個簡單的架構TASK1 TASK2都一樣分別找到一種4段式的架構就可以幫助這兩篇作文



起碼要破170字,TASK2 起碼要破300字才有機會進6分,在我沒寫到這個字數的那幾次不



口說部分 :

最高指導原則就是自信口說,關鍵的口說 TASK2考過的題目很多但其實有脈




環境、科技進步之後的未來有所關聯。口說只有一個秘訣 : 拼命講講到他要你停!


以上 再次祝福各位考生金榜題名 英國見

(36 of 50) CLT & TAIWAN: 6th Sign of Fakeness/Not being real


So, let’s continue with the last sign of being fake/not-real.

Sign 6 of a Fake/Not-Real Teacher

The school or teacher makes the absolutely impossible claim: “I can predict the answers in the IELTS test.”

I could link this to Sign 3: the claims of ‘guarantee IELTS 7’. The same logic applies here.

But let’s look more specifically at “I can predict the answers.’ This is the new trend in Taiwan right now as I write. Fake students are putting messages on the social media about how their teacher ‘knows the answers in the IELTS test.’ Why is this claim a sign of fakeness?

Because saying this is an outright and blatant lie. And a real teacher – one who cares about your learning – would never lie like that. Your first questions should be …

What do you even mean by ‘know the answer’?

Do you mean just a vague prediction such as ‘Task One will be a bar chart’ or ‘It will probably be a map’? If that bar chart has ‘change over time’ – that is, a time axis, for example, 1980 to 2000 – then this item is actually equivalent to a line graph (with the bars holding up the lines). The same logic applies to pie charts (one for 2005 and one for 2010). If it doesn’t have change over time, then it is all about comparison, but every single task is different to every other task. I have seem hundred of IELTS Writing Tasks over my teaching career, and they are all different! So, even if the teacher is lucky to guess the general type of writing task, does such an ambiguous prediction mean ‘predicting the answers in the IELTS Test?’ If it does, it is next to useless to you, the test-taker.

In other words, all IELTS Task Ones and Task Twos are unique, different, and need individual thinking (rather than memorisation). The real teacher prepares you with the thinking skills, and grammar and writing skills, to deal with IELTS. The teacher doesn’t boast about ‘predicting’ things.

If these people claim anything more specific, the next question is what magic knowledge do they have to make this prediction? Do they have paid spies in IDP and British Council and the IELTS Asian Regional Management Centre? Do these people slip them the real questions the day before the test? Is such behavior ethical? Is it the sign of a professional teacher? Is it the way you are supposed to have your English tested?

I have worked in the IELTS industry for 20 years, and I don’t pretend to be able to predict the questions. Consequently, I don’t say I can predict the questions. But I am an honest (and real) teacher of IELTS preparation. Even if I could predict the answers with some degree of certainty, I don’t think I would give this information. As I mentioned, it is actually quite meaningless

Anyhow who says they can predict the answer is NOT. Got it?

Well, that’s the end of the ‘six signs of fakeness’. Here’s a summary.

The Six Signs Of Being Fake/Not-Real

  1. The teacher speaks mostly in Chinese.
  2. The teacher uses memorisation, or use books and material that do this.
  3. The teacher/school makes claims of ‘guaranteed scores’.
  4. The teacher talks and ‘explains’ all the time in class.
  5. The teacher advertises, ‘You only talk to me’.
  6. The teacher claims (s)he can predict the answers in the IELTS test (whatever that means).

Now, let’s move to signs that should make you worried about the school or teacher.

Some of these should make you very worried indeed. The signs don’t mean the teacher/school is necessarily bad or not-real or fake, but …. well … to repeat, you should be worried, and investigate further. The next post will consider the first of these signs.

Now, check that you know the meaning of the underlined vocabulary (also repeated below).

  • to be blatant (adj)
  • to be vague (adj)
  • to be equivalent (adj)
  • to be unique (adj)
  • to be ambiguous (adj)
  • to be ethical (adj)
  • to investigate (v)

(35 of 50) CLT & Taiwan: Fake/Not-Real Teacher of IELTS/English: 3rd, 4th, and 5th Sign


Hi everyone. Due to the beginning of the new teaching term, I was busy, and put a few other posts here, but now it’s time to continue the series about CLT and Taiwan. We are up to Post 35, which continues to look at that murky and fraudulent world of ‘magic IELTS’ teachers. There’s more of them coming all the time, so for your own benefit, you really need to know and read the signs.

Six Signs of a Fake/Not-Real Teacher of IELTS/English: 3rd, 4th, and 5th Sign

Okay, I used one posts for the 2nd Sign of being a fake/not-real teacher. Now, I’ll use one post for the next three signs. Here we go.

Sign 3 of a Fake/Not-Real Teacher

The teacher/school makes claims of ‘guaranteed scores’ or ‘special techniques’.

If you ever hear claims such as:

  • I don’t teach you English; I just teach you how to get the answer in the test.
  • My method gives you IELTS 7.
  • This is a guaranteed IELTS 7 course.
  • I got IELTS 8 in the IELTS test; I’ll show you how to do it.
  • This course shows you how to get all the answers.
  • I have special IELTS techniques.

… the people saying this are lying to you. All these claims are based on a ‘magic’ or ‘guarantee’ theme, and it is an obvious fact that there are no guarantees and no magic in IELTS. IELTS is based on English abilities; and no matter how good a teacher is, your IELTS results will depend on …

  1. your starting level of English,
  2. your work ethic (that is, willingness to work hard),
  3. your attitude to learning,
  4. your intelligence,
  5. your ability to learn languages,
  6. practical realities, such as the time you have to study, how busy you are, how stable your life is, your ability to attend every class, and arrive on time,
  7. some degree of luck.

If a teacher or school makes any claim of ‘guaranteed answers’ or ‘special techniques’, it simply shows the teachers or schools are dishonest. They are saying what you want to hear in order to get your money. It’s that simple. Do you think that sounds like a good beginning? Are they people you should trust? 

Sign 4 of a Fake/Not-Real Teacher

The teacher talks and ‘explains’ all the time in class (and it’s usually in Chinese).

This is the ‘traditional’ approach, the approach a non-teacher, or someone who doesn’t know anything about TEFL teaching, might first think about. A TEFL-qualified teacher should know better, and should be more concerned about helping you learn. A not-real teacher might do this, simply because they don’t know the truth.

I don’t need to talk about this. Just read posts 325 of this series, and everything is explained in detail. Also, think again of the simple analogy: learning a language is like learning to drive a car. You can be ‘explained to’ for years about how to drive a car, but you won’t be able to actually drive it until you sit in the seat, and try. The TEFL-trained teacher takes every opportunity to put you in the seat and try (= practise English).

This also explains about the next sign of being fake/not-real below.

Sign 5 of a Fake/Not-Real Teacher

The teacher/school advertises that “You only talk to the teacher”, or “Pairwork speaking is not important”.

This is a new trend in Taiwan. Wow! It is simply mad! No real TEFL teacher would ever do this. Ever! They would immediately fail the observation in any TEFL training course. If you kept doing this, you would fail the course. If you only talk to the teacher, then you don’t practise English much at all. You don’t sit in any seat of that car’, and you never try. It is the very opposite to what is supposed to happen in an IELTS/English class.

TEFL professionals talk about ‘student talking time’ (STT), and ‘teacher talking time’ (TTT), and one of the most basic rules in a class is to ….

…. maximise STT and minimise TTT!

TEFL professional should live by this rule, but it takes effort, preparation, thinking, and skill. It also takes experience, and as the serious TEFL-trained teacher gets more experience, (s)he develops better and better techniques for following this rule more effectively and efficiently (for example, through the use of PowerPoint: See Posts 3739). So, remember, you students always have to ‘drive the car’.

I’m a Cambridge-accredited teacher trainer, with over 20 years experience, so you can imagine how shocked I am when I hear schools or teachers boasting, ‘You only talk to the teacher’. Wow! Unbelievable! Taking Taiwan back 50 years into the past, back to the horse and cart. Is this a modern nation? It is NOT when it comes to the teaching of English/IELTS. And that’s why the standard is still so low in this country; that’s why the average IELTS writing score remains 5.5. Because the teaching remains the same.

Why do these people promote such a backward and awful claim?

The answer: because so many students accept this, and give them lots of money.

Now, check that you know the meaning of the underlined vocabulary (also repeated below).

  • murky (adj)
  • a guarantee (n)
  • ethic (n)
  • to be blatant (adj)
  • an analogy (n)
  • an observation (n)

If you want to find out more about me, go to aisielts.com .

AIS Term 4 has now ended // Term 5 begins this week (starting Monday June 4th) // Get in quickly.

Hi everyone.

Well, Term 4 is now over, and here are the class photos.

IELTS Reading & Speaking. This finished on Thursday night, but two students didn’t turn up, and another wanted to take the photo. Do you like my beard?

IELTS Reading %26; Speaking, June 2018, Good Photo I.JPG

Now, here’s the IELTS Writing & Listening (afternoon) class.

IELTS Writing %26; Listening, afternoon, June 2018 Good Photo I.JPG

Do you like my shirt? No, it’s not a mistake. It’s meant to look look that. 

Finally, here’s the IELTS Writing & Listening (night) class. Again, a few students didn’t turn up at the very end, and one took the photo.

IELTS Writing %26; Listening, night, June 2018 Good Photo I.JPG

Well, Term 5 starts this coming Monday, and it all begins again. So, if you want a REAL teacher of IELTS, with REAL qualifications and REAL experience who REALLY knows about IELTS, contact us.

Just click here aisielts.com, or contact details.

Hope to see you in my class!

[心得] 一個月雅思一戰7心得和推薦



英文程度:學測英文14 英聽B、A 大學畢


考試成績:Overall 7.0 聽 6.5/讀 7.0/ 寫 6.0/ 說 7.5





























的部分,對我而言在於問題形式(填充、配合、NOT GIVEN和TRUE之間等等可能思維上會有







































(34 of 50) CLT & Taiwan: the 2nd sign of fakeness



Six Signs of a Fake/Not-Real Teacher of IELTS/English:

2nd Sign

Okay, I used two posts for the 1st Sign of being a fake/not-real teacher. Now, I’ll use one post for the next sign. Here goes.

Sign 2 of a Not-Real/Fake Teacher

The teacher uses memorisation, or uses books and material that do this.

Again, if your teacher or school does this, it is time to walk out the door and never come back. Anyone who did this in a CELTA teacher-training course would immediately fail that lesson, and be told never to do this in a class. Anyone who did this in a language school in Australia would be quickly fired. Memorisation is not teaching, and it is an insult to you as an intelligent human being.

Read the Sign 1: Second Story again. You will see that those who have studied English abroad know the truth. Some of them find the Taiwanese system ‘unbearable’. But do you? Again, the memorisation ‘technique’ is very widespread, among teachers, schools, and junk IELTS material. If any of it appears, it just reveals your teacher is not really a teacher. It’s also a disaster for the IELTS test, trust me.

Important Note

Do NOT Believe What These People Say; Find Out What They DO!

Many teachers and schools are now beginning to claim that don’t use memorisation. Maybe this is a response to these pixnet posts, especially the few written in Chinese (which most people read). Perhaps the content of all these blog posts, and the constant message both my wife and I give to students, is making a change in students’ thinking. Perhaps, many are now realising the obvious truth: that memorisation is a BIG sign of fakeness.

It’s interesting, after we put our first article in Chinese criticising memorisation, I have even read someone responding with a passionate defence of memorisation (written in Chinese). This person made all sorts of impossible and logically absurd conclusions (‘memorisation promotes critical thinking by showing the underlying logic of English’). But, as I mentioned, what’s interesting is that some of these people are now trying the opposite approach – pretending that they actually do promote critical thinking in their classroom, and never ever use memorisation. In short, these people copy much of the argument which is now on this pixnet blog.

The big question is, what do these people actually do in the classroom? Always remember, it’s not what these people say, but it’s what they DO IN THE CLASSROOM which matters.

Of course, it is possible you might decide to believe them, but when the actual teaching begins, you will find out the truth. That’s when you should demand your money back, and walk out of that course. Just read the signs.

And here’s quote from Benjamin Franklin. Half a truth is often a great lie.

And here’s the usual question to end these ‘fakeness’ posts.

Why do these people use memorisation?

The answer: because so many students accept this, and give them lots of money.

The next post will consider the next three signs of being fake/not-real.

Now, check that you know the meaning of the underlined vocabulary (also repeated below).

  • an insult (n)
  • a disaster (n)
  • to be passionate (adj)
  • to be absurd (adj)

If you want to find out more about me, go to aisielts.com .

The Saturday IELTS Class finishes // Next Saturday, it starts again (May 26th)

Well, let’s have a little break in this ‘CLT & Taiwan’ series of posts (currently looking at fraud teachers, which is quite sad, but necessary to do). Let’s instead give something happier and more uplifting. My Saturday IELTS class just finished, and here’s the class photo from the last day.

Saturday Class, May, 2018, Good Photo I.JPG

It was great teaching them all, and let’s hope for good things in the future for everyone, right.

Wow, this is a far happier theme, right? [But, I’ll need to finish that other ‘CLT & Taiwan’ theme, since you as consumers need to know the truth].

That’s the great thing about being a teacher: you can help people in their lives, and feel so good about yourself in doing so. Trust me, it’s a great feeling, and it’s one of the reasons I try so hard.

Click on aisielts.com for more information about courses.

(33 of 50) CLT & Taiwan: Two stories regarding the 1st Sign of Fakeness (using Chinese all the time)



Six Signs of a Fake/Not-Real Teacher of IELTS/English:

1st Sign: Two Stories

In the previous post, I mentioned the 1st (and worst) sign of a fake teacher: when the teacher speaks and explains using Chinese all the time. When this happens, you don’t need to think. Just immediately ask for your money back, walk out the door, and never go back. That teacher is a fake. Tell everyone about it.

Remember the comparison I made early on in this series of posts? Someone could explain to you for years how to drive a car, but you will never be able to drive it – until you get in the car, and practice driving. Similarly, teachers could ‘explain’ to you for years how to use English, but you will never be able to use it (speak, read, write, or listen) until you begin using it (speaking, reading, writing, and listening to it) meaningfully in the classroom.

But the majority of teachers in this country still ‘explain in Chinese’. They are even famous. This fact deserves some reflection. Thus, in this post I will give two personal stories about this 1st sign.

Sign 1: First Story

I once worked at a BIG language school here in Taipei where every single ‘teacher’ just used Chinese. The most ‘famous’ teacher just walked in and lectured in Chinese (about the TOEFL test) to hoards of students. Then walked out. That simple.

When I checked the credentials of all these ‘teachers’ on the school’s website, there was nothing at all related to TEFL. All these ‘famous teachers’ had degrees in subjects such as Philosophy or Business or Linguistics, or they came from (or claimed to come from) ‘famous’ universities in America. (‘So they must be good, right?).

Maybe they were ‘not-real’ teachers – that is, they thought they were helping others (but actually weren’t). But I even wonder about this. When talking to some of them, it was clear they knew they were wasting the students’ time. They joked about the uselessness of the whole industry. Deep down they knew that they were just playing the game: the game where the teachers pretend to teach, and the students pretend to learn. And everyone has it easy – just sitting there listening to Chinese. It’s a widespread game, and it’s been played for decades. And it’s a game that many people don’t want to change after all, it’s how they are making so much money.

Let’s compare it to my country, Australia. In my country, none of these people could ever teach in any language school. They would never ever be hired. They would never even be interviewed. If they were hired by mistake, their incompetence and inability to teach would be quickly recognised, and they would be promptly fired.

In Australia, there is regulation, and every language schools must be accredited through NEAS. NEAS is a globally recognised body that checks the quality of all schools, and to be recognised by NEAS, every teacher must have TEFL qualifications.

I worked at Monash University English Language Centre for five years, where every teacher had TEFL qualifications. There were regular ‘professional development sessions’ (PDs), the Director of the language institute was a Cambridge Teacher Trainer, and he eventually helped train me to become a Cambridge teacher trainer myself. Then I started training teachers in CELTA courses (alongside another teacher trainer). The centre itself was professional and modern, with ceiling top projectors and computers in every classroom. Class sizes were limited, and all the teachers used ‘communicative language teaching’. It all had to be this way. The centre was NEAS accredited.

So, you can imagine how shocked I was upon seeing what happens in Taiwan: an entire school dedicated to teaching you English, and not a single teacher there is actually qualified in teaching English. Not a single one of them could get a job in their own countries. But in Taiwan … well, they can even become ‘famous’ (but they have to speak Chinese to do this, unfortunately). Wow!

Sign 1: Second Story

This is a very short, but very illustrative story. A new student contacted AIS (my studio) a week ago. This student had studied English in America for three years, and had returned to Taiwan, and wanted to prepare for IELTS here.

She visited several IELTS schools here in Taipei to observe IELTSpreparation classes, and her response to us was, ‘I just couldn’t bear it!’ (or, in Chinese, ‘Show bu liaou’). This student explained to us, ‘All I saw was a lot of stupid memorisation, and students sitting there like robots repeating stuff.’ And so on.

When she observed my teaching, she came up to me, and said, “I recognise the way you teach from my time studying in a language school in Seattle.” And yes, this student has agreed to do both of my IELTS courses (Writing & Listening, and Reading & Speaking) in the next term [Term 5].

But why couldn’t this student bear what she saw in the other schools?

Because she had studied English in a western country in an accredited language school, where all the teachers had to be qualified and well-versed in TEFL methodology, and so she knew what real teaching was meant to be like. She could compare it to what happens in Taiwan. So she knew the truth.

But do you? To learn this truth, you don’t have to study English in America for three years. You can just read this series of posts. Easy, huh? Unfortunately, very few students bother to read these posts (although reading English with a dictionary to help you is GREAT preparation for IELTS).

I’d like to finish this 1st sign of bad teaching with a simple question and an answer, and I will finish most of the next 10 posts in this same way. This question and its answer are designed to make you think. Here goes.

Why do these teacher use Chinese all the time?

The answer: because so many students accept this, and give them lots of money.

In the next post, I will give the 2ndand 3rdsign of being a fake/not-real teacher.

Now, check that you know the meaning of the underlined vocabulary (also repeated below).

  • hoard (n)
  • philosophy (n)
  • linguistics (n)
  • to be prompt (adj)
  • to be accredited (adj)
  • to be entire (adj)
  • to be illustrative (adj)
  • to be well-versed [in sth.] (adj.)

If you want to find out more about me, go to aisielts.com .

(32 of 50): CLT & Taiwan: About Fake/Not-Real Teachers of IELTS/English: 1st Sign

The first sign.png


About Fake/Not-Real Teachers of IELTS/English: 1st Sign

In Posts 26 and 27, I outlined the ‘modus operandi’ (= method of committing a crime) that fake teachers can use. Then I explained why you should not automatically ‘respect’ someone who claims authority in IELTS, but instead ask for evidence and proof of all claims. But I also accepted the fact that, in this culture, people are reluctant to ask their teacher for proof of their credentials. Hmmm. That’s a problem.

Even as I write, that fake teacher from Posts 26 and 27 has been putting posts on PTT. However, as I mentioned before, other students have put warning about him. Wow, these current posts of mine on this blog can not be more relevant! Everyone, it’s happening right now.

It’s time to wise upYou need to at least read the signs of fakeness/not-realness in the people who claim authority as English/IELTS teachers, and thus be able to recognise the truth (without asking anything). So now, finally, after all the background issues have been covered, I will move on to practical advice.

How You Can Know the Truth

Now, I will give a list of 6 key signs which show your teacher is either a fake or not-real. Obviously, being a fake is the worst, by far, and if you know this, you should immediately dissociate from that teacher. If the teacher is a not-real teacher (= someone who genuinely thinks they are helping you), you could choose to continue or not, but the learning will be limited.

Before I begin, I’d like to repeat one thing (to answer the criticism: ‘Why do you think you know about teaching?). I’d like to repeat my credentials. Here they are in Chinese (so you can REALLY get the message).

  • 澳洲墨爾本皇家理工學院教育學碩士
  • 擁有英國劍橋大學英語教學證書(CELTA, 1993)和文憑 (DELTA, 1998)
  • 擁有英國劍橋大學英語教師訓練資格(2005),臺灣唯一的教師訓練師
  • 1993年開始擔任英語教師,23年的雅思考試預備課程授課經驗任教過的國家有澳洲、委內瑞拉、泰國、韓國及臺灣
  • 曾任教於澳洲Monash大學語言中心與IELTS測驗研習中心
  • 出版5本雅思著作(Practical IELTS Strategies系列,,寫作一, 寫作二,模擬試題書一)
  • 另外著有A Saharan Jaunt,及Promise Me, Promise Me二本書

The most important credential is that I am a Cambridge CELTA Tutor – someone who taught CELTA teaching certificates to new teachers. I made decisions about whether to pass or fail people. Judging teaching, and what is good and what is not good, was my job for FIVE years when I worked at Monash University. So, I have the authority to give judgement.

If you are an intelligent consumer, if you care about your future and your own money, you should read on. Let us begin with the first sign.

Sign 1 of a Fake/Not-Real Teacher

The teacher speaks/explains mostly in Chinese.

This is the clearest and most obvious sign. If your teacher does this, you should quickly finish with them, and look for another. It’s that simple. They are not teachers, and you will learn very little.

You should know all this from the first 15 posts of this series, which made it clear that …

  • any TEFLtrained teacher knows not to lecture/explain/talk in Chinese,
  • any TEFL-trained teacher who really wants to help you knows not to do this,
  • all the ESL/TEFL/language-acquisition research has proven it does work well at all
  • more modernn teaching methods have been developed in response to this research (e.g CLT!)

Okay, you know all the theory (if you have read all the previous posts), but I’d still like to reflect a little on this situation, since it is so widespread in Taiwan. I will give two personal stories to illustrate this issue. These stories will be in the next post. You need to read them.

Now, check that you know the meaning of the underlined vocabulary (also repeated below).

  • to wise up (v)
  • to dissociate (v)
  • criticism (n)
  • credentials (n)
  • an authority (n)
  • to be widespread (adj)

If you want to find out more about me, go to aisielts.com .




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教育類的文章不要一直用some people 可以用education group代替,










(31 of 50) CLT & Taiwan: About Fake Teachers of IELTS/English: Introduction VI



About Fake Teachers of IELTS/English: Introduction VI

In my last post, I wrote,

‘Can everyone at least accept that there are frauds out there, and that they are actively operating? It is simple a fact of life, right?’

Interestingly, in the news recently there was a story about 50 people, mostly Taiwanese, performing some sort of telephone scam operation in Poland [Huh? Why there?]. They have all been arrested, and are on their way back to face the music. This is why in the previous post, I also concluded,

Therefore, surely we must all accept that it would be naive and foolish to blindly believe any person to whom you give large amounts of money.

But there’s a problem, and in this post I’d like to explore it.

You Can’t Criticise Teachers, Right?

I advise all my students to always ask to see the qualifications of anyone who claims to be a teacher of IELTS/English. I ask them to dispute impossible claims such as, “I guarantee IELTS 7” or “I can predict the questions in the IELTS test” or “I’m the director of Camridge ESL”. I tell the students to ask, “How can you do that?” and ask a lot of “Can you show me proof of …” questions. But the response I often hear from my students is,

‘In this culture, we can’t ask a teacher those questions.’

But unfortunately, as I have explained, you need to ask those questions [and please ask me those questions, or just click on Teacher Andrew’s Credentials]. If you can’t ask your teacher those questions, then I have to ask you the same questions.

How can you be really sure your teacher or school isn’t one of those ‘fake teachers’?

But then students say to me,

‘But Andrew, Taiwanese people do not like hearing criticisms of their teachers. In this culture, they must respect teachers.’

So, this is obviously a very sensitive issue, and a big problem for you. What’s the right way, and what’s the wrong way? [Well, there’s the link to the picture up the top, right?] The problem lies in the fact that (1) there are many dubious teachers around, but (2) Taiwanese students feel too embarrassed to ask for proof of credentials, or even listen to criticism of these teachers. So, what do you do? What’s right; what’s wrong?

My reply is this.

The right way is to show respect for teachers if these people are teachers – real or not-real! But are they?

The last question is the key! Please show respect if your teachers are sincere individuals genuinely trying to help you? This means you can even respect ‘not-real teachers’, since at least they think they are helping you, so their hearts are in the right place. Sometimes it isn’t their fault that they have not been trained in TEFL theory and methodology, and don’t know the best methods to use. They just never had the opportunity or life experience to become informed about language-learning. But at least they are trying to help you, and yes, that deserves respect.

But, again, the big question is, is that person a real/not-real teacher?

I want to ask you all two questions in return. Here they are.

  1. Should anyone respect a dishonest and corrupt person who does not care about you, and is clever at manipulating the social media tools, and tricking other people out of their money?
  1. Do you really think these people respect you, the student?

What are your answers to these questions? They should be NO and NO.

Go back and read the previous Posts 26 and 27, and ask yourself, do you respect that person I described (and remember, that post is based on a real example who tricked large amounts of money out of very many people)?

So, to anyone who says, ‘You can’t criticise teachers’, my reply is this.

  • These people are NOT teachers!
  • Do not respect these people!
  • To repeat, they are not teachers!
  • They are bad people doing bad things!
  • You are the one who pays a high price!
  • You pay the price because you don’t ask the key questions or read the key signs.

The next post will cover the final background issue about the ‘being fake/not-real’ issue, as well as introducing the first sign that you need to know.

Now, check that you know the meaning of the underlined vocabulary (also repeated below).

  • a scam (n)
  • to face the music (v phrase; idiomatic)
  • to be sincere (adj)
  • to be genuine (adj)
  • to manipulate (v)

If you want to find out more about me, go to aisielts.com .

Four IELTS Courses finished ! (Whew!) // Four more IELTS Courses now starting! Right Now!

Sunday Class, April 2018.JPG

IELTS Writing %26; Listening (afternoon), April 2018.JPG

IELTS Writing %26; Listening (night), April 2018.JPGIELTS Reading %26; Speaking, April 2018.JPG

Well, I haven’t put a new post on this blog for a while.  I’m still working through the ‘CLT and Taiwan: What you need to Know’ series on this blog. There’s 50 of them, and I’m still stuck in the mid 30s. But don’t worry; I’ll get there.

The reason for the delay is that I’ve been extremely busy with teaching, correction, and powerpoint update. Term 3 was totally full, so the correction was certainly a big task – especially since I correct very meticulously. Term 4 is now starting, and that’s more setting up. But what made me even more busy were all the issues with my publisher, as well. My IELTS Reading Book is selling out; and I’m working on updates and changes for the new print-run; and there’s my new IELTS Listening Book. So, there were meetings, and proofreading, and deadlines.

Well, now I say goodbye to four separate IELTS classes [see the four above photos], and today I started the first of the new courses: Sunday IELTS Integrated Skills. Tomorrow I start two more: IELTS Writing & Listening (afternoon) and (night) [MWF] and the day after, I start IELTS Reading & Speaking [T/Th].

There are still a few places left in all of these if you are interested. Just contact us, but be quick. If you miss out the first few classes, it is too late to make up classes; and you’ll have to wait to the new term (Term 5).

Hope to see you in my class.

IELTS Sunday Courses has finished // Here’s the photo // Everything finishing now, but AIS Term 4 starts this coming Sunday/Monday

Sunday Class, April 2018.JPG

Hi everyone

Sorry about the long delay in putting on a new post. AIS Term 3 had filled up, which meant 12+12+12+12+12 students, and each one with Writing Task Ones and Twos which needed correction most lessons. In addition, I have had to go to my publisher to discuss the new IELTS Listening Book, and work on that also.

Well, last weekend the IELTS Integrated Skills Sunday Course finished, and here’s the class photo. Tomorrow, the IELTS Reading & Speaking will finish, and on Friday so too will the IELTS Writing & Listening classes, so there’s a lot of photos coming in the next few days. It is my habit to put them on pixnet, so that you can see the real thing.

Good luck everyone (in the photo). It was great teaching you all, and let’s all hope for success in IELTS and in life.

(30 of 50) CLT & Taiwan: About Fake/Not-Real Teachers of IELTS/English: Introduction V

A creature waiting to be preyed upon..jpg


About Fake/Not-Real Teachers of IELTS/English: Introduction V

In the last post, I explained the different between fake and not-real teacher, and gave some possible reasons why this is a particular problem in Taiwan – that is, why there can be so many teachers who are not really teachers, but just average people passing themselves of as IELTS authorities, and using tricky methods to convince you of this, and making lots of money in doing so. Here were the possible reasons I mentioned.

(1)  The English-language teaching industry is totally unregulated.

(2)  It deals with huge numbers of students – a huge market to be milked.

(3)  These students have the instinct to trust anyone who calls themselves an authority.

(4)  These students want quick and easy answers.

(5)  The IELTS test means a lot to them.

(6)  There are huge amounts of money to be earned.

[PS: relating to Point (6), the news this morning (Friday 13th March) talked about a ‘famous’ teacher in Taichong who made $30 million NT a year (!!!!!) – although the news was about the fact that he just hanged himself, so obviously all that money brought complications to his life that he couldn’t handle – or was it just the unlucky ‘Friday 13th’ day? Okay, technically, the teacher hanged himself the day before.]

Wow! Add those six factors all together, and you have a magnet for the wrong sort of people and the wrong sort of schools, those whose instinct is not to help you with English or IELTS, but to get your money. Yes, that would explain why the ‘fake teacher’ problem is so prevalent, and why the social media is so full of tricks and deceit.

But do you agree with me? Do you deny all this? Maybe you reject the whole argument? Maybe you are saying, ‘That’s all rubbish. My teacher is wonderful, and helped me get a high IELTS mark!’  Hmmm. What can I say to this? Well, it is possible that your teacher was indeed wonderful, and actually did help you get a high IELTS mark. They are definitely out there. But it is also possible that … maybe … you just think that. Every situation and every teacher (and ever student’s claim) needs to be carefully assessed, wouldn’t you say?

Surely we can all agree that everyday experience has taught people to be careful? I’m sure most of you readers have received the ‘scam’ phone calls. These people often claim to be from overnment agencies (for example – the National Health Agency), and claim that your National Healthcare Card is missing. Then they ask for personal details … and slowly play their tricks on the unsuspecting victims.

There are even fake postmen, pretending to be delivering mail, but actually trying to get you to sign document, give identities … and, again, slowly play their tricks on the unsuspecting victims. So, surely everyone (no matter how much you disagree with me) should be alert to the possibility that they are being tricked, right?

Can everyone at least accept that there are frauds out there, and that they are actively operating? It is simple a fact of life, right? In every country, including my own, Australia. Therefore, surely we must all accept that it would be naive and foolish to blindly believe any person to whom you give large amounts of money. Anyone who did this would be like the picture at the top of this post: prey to the confidence tricksters.

Surely, it is not offending anyone if I suggest that your should check the qualifications and credentials of a teacher, and more importantly, ask for proof of these, or at least do that basic assessment of the teacher and the situation? Isn’t this just the most basic precaution that any careful and intelligent consumer should take?

In the next post, we’ll look at a cultural problem students here have on this issue.

Now, check that you know the meaning of the underlined vocabulary (also repeated below).

  • to pass yourself of as [sb.] (v phrase)
  • a magnet for sb. (v phrase)
  • to be prevalent (adj)
  • scam (adj) & (n)
  • a victim (n)
  • to be naive (adj)
  • to be foolish (adj)
  • to be blind (adj)
  • to be dubious (adj)
  • credentials (n)

If you want to find out more about me, go to aisielts.com .