Overview of AIS Individual Classes

Courses Available 課程

Overview of IELTS Courses

There are …

  • three AIS IELTS Preparation Combined Courses:
    1. IELTS Writing & Listening [on weekdays],
    2. IELTS Reading & Speaking [on weekdays],
    3. Integrated IELTS Skills (= all skills together, on the weekend),
  • four Individual IELTS-Skills Courses [on weekdays only]:
    1. IELTS Writing,
    2. IELTS Listening,
    3. IELTS Reading,
    4. IELTS Speaking,

... at 華龍文理補習班, all designed and delivered by me, the teacher, in fixed and interchangeable lessons. The full range of lessons are shown in the image above. Click on the following link:

Overview of AIS Lessons安德魯雅思課堂內容概觀   

… to see this document on full screen (for printing or downloading).

To see a general timetable of the weekday and weekend IELTS courses, and how they all fit together, please click the following link.

General Timetable of AIS IELTS/English Courses

There is also a special English Grammar & Vocabulary Course [on weekdays], teaching a wide range of English grammar and vocabulary in relation to IELTS. Remember, for IELTS Writing [both Task One and Two] and IELTS Speaking, one quarter of your score is based on Grammar, and another quarter is based on Vocabulary, showing clearly that the serious student of IELTS needs to pay additional attention to these skills. Together they will determine one half of your IELTS score!

To see the full range of lessons for this English Grammar & Vocabulary Course, and how they all fit together, please click the following link.

Overview of AIS Grammar & Vocabulary Lessons


General Course Details課程內容

Combined-Skills IELTS Courses

The first two AIS IELTS Combined Courses come in five-week terms. These are …前面兩個AIS雅思課程都是為期五周…

1. IELTS Writing & Listening [(a) Night time OR (b) Afternoon]: 6 classes on W1, 6 classes on W2, 3 on Listening: 49 hours

雅思寫作聽力課程[(a)晚上時段(b)下午]: 6堂作文一, 6堂作文二, 3堂聽力課

(a) Night-time Course: Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays 7.00 – 10.15 pm)

(b) Afternoon Course: Monday, Wednesday, and Fridays (2.00 – 5.15 pm), depending on numbers.

       2. IELTS Reading & Speaking: 5 classes on each skill: 33 hours

雅思閱讀口說課程: 兩種技巧各5堂課

Night-time Only: Tuesdays and Thursdays (7.00 – 10.15 pm)

只有晚上時段: 每周二和每周四

… with the third course being a weekend one:

3. Intensive Integrated Saturday/Sunday IELTS Course: 24 classes (2 per day) on Saturdays or Sundays (all day, mornings [9.30 am – 12.45 pm] and afternoons [2.00 – 5.15 pm], with a lunch break in between): 78 hours.

雅思周六/周日密集班課程: 每堂課至少6小時, 共12堂課, 上課時間為每周六或每周日上午和下午全天

The first two Combined Courses (1a/1b  &  2) fit together, so that you can …

  • do one Combined Course (to focus on specific weaknesses), or …
  • do both Combined Courses (to be completely prepared for IELTS),

Remember, you can choose to …

  • do one Combined Course in one term, then the other Combined Course in the following term (to spread the workload over two or three days/week), or …
  • do both Combined Courses in an the same term (5  classes/week for five weeks), if you want to achieve success in IELTS more quickly.


Finally, there is the special English Grammar & Vocabulary Course, 5 classes on each skill: 33 hours 兩種技巧各5堂課, Afternoons Only: Tuesdays and Thursdays (2.00 – 5.15 pm)



All the lessons for all courses are delivered in fixed components, so that if you miss a class (due, for example, to sickness), you can make up the lost class in another course running at the same time, or later.


Individual IELTS-Skills Courses

You can also choose to do IELTS Individual-Skills courses:

  • IELTS Reading: every Tuesday night, for five lessons,
  • IELTS Speaking: every Thursday night for five lessons,
  • IELTS Writing: every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday for four weeks [=12 lessons],
  • IELTS Listening: one Monday, Wednesday, and Friday [=3 lessons].

… but the Combined Courses are cheaper for you (the student), and I (as a teacher) obviously want to be able to prepare you as best as I can for the IELTS test, so doing the Combined Courses is encouraged.

The English Grammar & Vocabulary Course must be done together, because both components (grammar and vocabulary) are combined together in all classes, in order to provide the most effective learning.


Specific Course Details

1. IELTS Writing & Listening (Afternoon or Night: M/W/F)

內容以雅思寫作Task 1, 雅思寫作Task 2和聽力為主


2點00分上課至5點15分       …or…      7點00分上課至10點15分

15 classes / 49 hours



2. IELTS Reading & Speaking (Night: T/Th)



Tuesday: 7:00 pm – 10:15 pm (IELTS Reading)
Thursday: 7:00 pm – 10:15 pm (IELTS Speaking)

10 classes / 33 hours



English Grammar & Vocabulary Course (Afternoon: T/Th) 

This follows the same timetable as the IELTS Reading & Speaking Course above, but the classes are in the afternoon, Tuesday & Thursday: 2:00 pm – 5:15 pm.


10 classes / 33 hours



3.   Integrated Intensive Saturday or Sunday IELTS



每週六/週日上午9點30分上課至12點45分 & 下午2點00分上課至5點15分
9:30 pm – 12:45 pm   &   2.00 – 5.15 pm.

課程包含24堂課 (2 lessons a day),12個周末, 共78小時

All weekend courses have 24 classes (2 lessons a day) over 12 weekends = 78 hours.


Note 1


Note 2: About the Refund/Postponement Policy

NOTE:  更改報名課程時間只能在開課之前,開課之後不能將課程時間延後,Andrew老師的課程是一個完整連續性的課程,同學無法課程上了幾堂課或幾周之後再將課程延到另一個課程去上哦!!!


Note 3: About ‘Find a Friend’ Discounts



PS. 同學可以找朋友團報的課程如下 :

1. 平日寫作聽力課程。

2. 平日閱讀口說課程。

3. 假日班全科課程 ( 週六密集班或週日密集班 )

Note 1: 由於參加Andrew老師課程而認識的同學們無法一起團報喔!

Note 2: 同學揪朋友團報必須在課程開課之前報名才算數喔!

*  如果同學們只報名單科技巧學費優惠如下~



General Warning: Be Careful About ‘Short’ Courses

At AIS, the ‘total’ preparation for all skills (Writing, Reading, Listening, and Speaking) consists of over 80 hours of direct teaching with the teacher, given in 25 individual lessons. In addition to this, there is homework in every lesson, consisting of Reading (of reading passages and tips from the book), IELTS Writing Assignments (9 pieces), and vocabulary exercises (from all the books), as well as independent research. AIS offers a full and comprehensive course.

There are many much shorter courses offered by other institutes and other teachers, but please note that very short IELTS Preparation courses …

(1) might seem cheap, but the course can be very costly per hour, and …

(2) these courses must necessarily provide limited preparation for the IELTS test.

Yes, short courses are easy to decide to do, quickly and easily completed, and seemingly cheap – but do they do the job? Do they prepare you with the full range of skills necessary in order to be fully prepared for the IELTS Test? The document shown at the top of this page shows the minimum amount of hours needed (80), based on my assessment and my experience of teaching IELTS Preparation [and that’s over 25 years of it!]. Each of the 25 lessons described is full of teaching, ideas, and practice, and the pace is fast, and delivered efficiently and effectively with very sophisticated PowerPoint programs. Any IELTS Course shorter than this would leave you NOT prepared to the degree that I, as the teacher, expect – and I cannot do that.

So, remember, when comparing IELTS courses among schools, …

(1) always calculate the cost per hour [not just the cost of the course], and …

(2) remember that short courses are short for a reason, and …

(3) keep in mind that the most important aspect is the TEACHER, and his/her qualifications and credentials. [Remember, be critical, skeptical, and demand proof].