New ‘Grammar & Vocabulary Course’ ! // This Course & the IELTS Courses Start in One Week [Term 4]!! // Special Deal with this G&V Course


Hi everyone.

I haven’t written a pixnet post for some months now. After years of regularly putting Grammar, Vocabulary, Collocation, and Logic posts, I decided there is more than enough practice material for any serious student of IELTS. You could practice forever with all the material there, and it all fits together smoothly (like the above picture, right?).

So why am I giving a post now?

The answer: to announce a new Grammar & Vocabulary Course.

I use brown colour to show this new course (which again, links to the lovely brown colour in the above picture).

You can do this G&V course …

  • before
  • after
  • during

… a main IELTS course, and here’s the deal ….

If you pay at the same time for this G&V course and another one (e.g. G&V and IELTS R&S), you get $500 discount of both courses

This G&V course gives a solid foundation which fits in nicely with the main courses – and G&V is often a weakness among candidates/students. That’s the key to getting that high IELTS mark, right? 

And on that subject, can I remind everyone that …. [and I’ll put it in Chinese to make it clearer] ….


思考看看自己有沒有意願參加接下來將於[Term 4] 4 月展開的一系列課程。快點加入吧! 


  • IELTS Writing & Listening  Course  (週一三五: 7–10:15 pm) [April 27th – May 29th night time]
  • IELTS Reading & Speaking Course  (週二四: 7–10:15 pm) [April 28th – May 28th night time].

Grammar & Vocabulary Course  (週二四: 2–5:15 pm) [April 28th – May 28th afternoon].

So, that’s it. Oh, there’s one more thing.


Yes, you can book to observe a class any time [and this is FREE]. This includes the first class of all the above courses. So, why don’t you come along just to watch the first class, then you can make the decision to join later, right. Remember, as we say in English, seeing is believing.

So, see you in my class this coming Monday – your first step to IELTS success. Click on for more details, or go to the Contacts page.