Hey, I want to promote my school! // Please recommend me to anyone you know!

IELTS Writing %26; Listening, night, June 2018 Good Photo I.JPG

Hi everyone. 

January is coming, which is normally the least active time in the demand for IELTS preparation. In addition, COVID-19 doesn’t appear to be getting better – in fact, it seems to be getting worse, and this has severely affected the motivation for people for foreign study. And there are other factors (which I’d rather not mention) affecting business. The result: I need students right now.

Look at the above photo. I have shown this before, because the student next to me (Jasmine) got …

IELTS 9 for reading

IELTS 8 for speaking

IELTS 8 for listening

IELTS 6.5 for writing.

Okay, the writing score was lower, but she admitted later that she didn’t finish both writing tasks. Imagine the writing score if she HAD finished those two tasks. But, I usually add, that girl studied very hard, and took all the homework very seriously. 

So, if you know anyone interested in IELTS preparation, please let them know about me. The classes will be VERY small, and VERY personal.

Thanks for that, and I hope you had a nice Christmas, and will have a happy new year.

Teacher Andrew