Last Class of the Saturday Course // Pizza time!

Saturday IELTS Class, Jan. 2018, Good Photo I.JPG

Well, the Saturday IELTS Course finished last Saturday, and it was pizza for lunch! And below you can see me giving Brad my appreciation. Ha ha.

Brad %26; Teacher, Saturday Class, Jan. 2018.jpg

By the way, do you like my beard? My wife says it makes my nose smaller – (and that’s supposed to make me feel better). Hmmmmm. Well, while the weather is cold, I can put up with a beard, but when the weather gets hot, it gets hard to tolerate. In the meantime, I can be the ‘seasoned and professorial type’.

Anyhow, it was good having the pizza, but afterwards, we had to do the last IELTS Listening Class, and then it was all over. It’s a little sad after three months of getting to know them. All the best for the future, and let’s hope for IELTS success, right!

Remember, the next Saturday IELTS Course begins just after Chinese New Year, on Saturday 24th February. Hope to see you in my class. Just go to …

for contact details.

last class of the saturday course pizza time