lets practice being concise 8 of 8

Let’s Practice Being Concise (8 of 8)


In the previous post, I quoted from my own IELTS Writing Task Two book (Page 33, at the bottom). This page compares the sentence …

When people try to park cars in cities, they usually find it difficult. [13 words]

with …

Parking cars in cities is usually difficult. [7 words]

and concludes …

This new sentence is much shorter, and makes the same point. That is, the sentence is concise, and concision is a sign of a good writer.

This rule should be your rule in IELTS Writing. If a sentence can make the same point in fewer words, WRITE THAT SENTENCES! You then have time to …

  • write more,
  • say more,
  • and achieve more of the task.

It’s time to practice, and in this final practice, let’s look at some longer pieces of writing.

Try making the following sentences more concise.

  1. Living alone has many adverse effects. People who live alone may experience feelings of isolation. For example, when people start living alone, it could make them lose emotional support. [30 words]
  2. Many people cannot afford a house. In other words, they do not have enough money to have a new family. [21 words]
  3. These crimes can cause a memory which remains forever in their minds whenever the victims think about those past events. [20 words]
  4. Human rights organizations have tried to abolish the death penalty, and they have launched several attacks, but so far they have not been successful. [24 words]
  5. Government has spent money to improve the museum environment for not only local citizens, but also the tourists who visit from all over the world. [25 words]
  6. Museums show real history. For example, when visitors go into one of the famous art museums such as the Louvre in Paris, they immediately see the reality of life. [29 words]

Here are the answers to Being Concise (7 of 8).

  1. The astronauts may bring back harmful viruses. [7 words; originally 17]
  2. Capital punishment is a deterrent against crime. [7 words; originally 17] [‘Making their desire to commit a crime less strong’ simply defines ‘deterrent’.]
  3. Purchasing online is often more economical. [6 words; originally 11] [However, the sentence: ‘Products purchased online are often cheaper’ is clearer.]
  4. [Examples of crime]. Thus, judicial systems exists. [4 words; originally 9]
  5. Improving the environment and quality of life is the main difficulty. [11 words; originally 18]
  6. Technology will inevitably change. [11 words; originally 4]

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Collocation: the other key to IELTS 7 (4 of 8)


Collocation: the other key to IELTS 7 (4 of 8)

Time to Practice

Can you ‘fix’ the following sentences by changing (or removing) the underlined word? There may be different ways to answer this. The answers will be in the next ‘collocation’ post.

  1. Guns could cause a disaster.
  2. This can increase the opportunity of fighting.
  3. This can contribute to some negative impacts.
  4. Living alone has more freedom.
  5. The government should promote the dangers of smoking.
  6. Many people are serious smokers.
  7. People are forced to smoke second-hand smoke.

Answers to Collocation 3 of 8

Here are the answers to the previous collocation exercise. The first sentence has the wrong collocation; the second sentence has the correct one.

  1. Raising a child causes much money.

Raising a child costs much money.

  1. Parents have the duty to look after their children.

Parents have the obligation to look after their children.

  1. This can make the public under the theat.

This can make the public under the theat.

  1. Building nuclear power is too dangerous.

Building nuclear power-station is too dangerous.

  1. Nuclear power serves energy.

Nuclear power provides energy.

  1. All workers must shoulder their duties.

All workers must perform/accept their duties.

[We ‘shoulder burdens’.]

  1. Parents must shape models for their children.

Parents must be role-models for their children.

By the way, go to aisielts.com to get more information and resources to help you get that IELTS 7. 

collocation the other key to ielts 7 4 of 8

Collocation: the other key to IELTS 7 (3 of 8)


Collocation 3 of 8

Time to Practice

Can you ‘fix’ the following sentences by changing (or removing) the underlined word? There may be different ways to answer this. The answers will be in the next ‘collocation’ post.

  1. Raising a child causes much money.
  2. Parents have the duty to look after their children.
  3. This can make the public under the theat.
  4. Building nuclear power is too dangerous.
  5. Nuclear power serves energy.
  6. All workers must shoulder their duties.
  7. Parents must shape models for their children.

Answers to Collocation 2 of 8

Here are the answers to the previous collocation exercise. The first sentence has the wrong collocation; the second sentence has the correct one.

  1. The climate has become unreasonable.

The climate has become unpredictable.

[Only people can be unreasonable.]

  1. Most people reach for a better life.

Most people strive for a better life.

  1. In a physical shop, customers can check the quality reaches their expectations.

In a physical shop, customers can check the quality meets their expectations.

  1. Lack of interaction can cause emotional disease.

Lack of interaction can cause emotional problems.

[‘Mental’ can also collocate with ‘disease’.]

  1. This helps them attend their destination more quickly.

This helps them reach their destination more quickly.

  1. Their salary cannot support a high quality of life.

Their salary cannot pay for a high quality of life.

  1. The medicine can help stop the swelling.

The medicine can help reduce the swelling.

By the way, go to aisielts.com to get more information and resources to help you get that IELTS 7. 

collocation the other key to ielts 7 3 of 8

Collocation: the other key to IELTS 7 (2 of 8)


Collocation: the other key to IELTS 7 (2 of 8)

Time to Practice

Here’s the first of the ‘collocation’ exercises. Can you ‘fix’ the following sentences by changing (or removing) the underlined word? There may be different ways to answer this. The answers will be in the next ‘collocation’ post.

  1. The climate has become unreasonable.
  2. Most people reach for a better life.
  3. In a physical shop, customers can check the quality reaches their expectations.
  4. Lack of interaction can cause emotional disease.
  5. This helps them attend their destination more quickly.
  6. Their salary cannot support a high quality of life.
  7. The medicine can help stop the swelling.

By the way, go to aisielts.com to get more information and resources to help you get that IELTS 7. 

collocation the other key to ielts 7 2 of 8

Collocation: the other key to IELTS 7 (1 of 8): Introduction to Collocation


Collocation: the other key to IELTS 7 (1 of 8): Introduction to Collocation

Okay everyone, it’s time (once again) to return to collocation. But let me begin by (re)introducing this concept. Let’s look at the public version of the IELTS Band Descriptors. These state that for your Writing Vocabulary Mark …

Band 7: Uses less common words with some awareness of style and collocation.

Band 8: Skillfully uses words but there may be occasional inaccuracies in word choice and collocation.

Notice the word, ‘collocation’. So, what does it mean? Collocation means putting together groups of words in accepted and stylish way. For example, in English, we don’t usually say …

big rain,

big damage,

big wind,

… as you do in Chinese. In English, it is much better to say …

heavy rain,

serious damage,

strong wind.

Looking at verbs, we don’t usually say …

make heavy rain,

make serious damage,

make strong wind.

It does depend on the situation, but it would be better to say …

create heavy rain,

inflict serious damage,

generate strong wind.

All the words must fit together well – they must ‘mesh’, just like the jigsaw piece in the picture at the top of this post. By the way, I have already presented some very useful material on collocation on my website. Click Teacher Andrew’s website: Good Collocation to see that.

Students mostly do not collocate words very well (which is why they don’t receive IELTS 7 or 8). Bad IELTS material encourages students to memorise wordy phrases that no native writer would ever produce, and which often don’t make sense (for example, one student wrote: ‘concluding theories representing the solution can be portrayed in detail’). The collocation is strange, and the word choice weird.

So, collocation is important, but it is not so easy – but it is the key to getting a higher IELTS Writing and Speaking score. The exercises to help you with this will begin in the next post.

collocation the other key to ielts 7 1 of 8 introduction to collocation

Answer to Concision 8 of 8 (2nd part) [and the last of this ‘concision’ series]


Answers to Concision 8 of 8 (Part Two)

Now let’s make the paragraph good!

So, after making all the changes to the original paragraph, we were left with just 17 words …

One reason for smoking among teenagers is the pressure from their peers, who think smoking is ‘cool’.

So, we have to write a paragraph, and make it good. So, it is time to add Specific Support [W2 book, p.113, 115, Tip 16! ‘Include Specific Support’.] Just think, ‘Why do teenagers act this way?’

Adolescence is a difficult time, of hormonal change and the transition towards adult responsibilities. With the certainties and security of childhood departing, people compensate by seeking affiliation with the group. Smoking easily offers this, proving irresistible to those lacking self assurance and willpower.

Find out the meaning of the vocabulary.

  • adolescence (n)
  • hormone (n)
  • to affiliate (v)
  • assurance (n)

Now, let’s put the whole paragraph together.

One reason for smoking among teenagers is the pressure from their peers, who think smoking is ‘cool’. Adolescence is a difficult time, of hormonal change and the transition towards adult responsibilities. With the certainties and security of childhood departing, people compensate by seeking affiliation with the group. Smoking easily offers this, proving irresistible to those lacking self assurance and willpower. [60 words]

The original paragraph was 80 words, but now it is 60, and it clearly makes its point at the beginning, and clearly supports it, without circular phrasing or repetition. Notice the topic sentence at the beginning, and the concluding sentence at the end. It’s a great paragraph! There is also nice collocation: ‘lacking’ + ‘self assurance’ and ‘proving’ + ‘irresistible’.

See my IELTS Writing Task Two Book, Tips 15 and 16, which try to instruct students to write paragraphs like this.

Yes, this is the key to IELTS 7, and that’s the end of the ‘Concision’ posts for now. Hmmm, I just mentioned the word ‘collocation’. Maybe I will look at this in the next set of posts.

By the way, go to aisielts.com to get more information and resources to help you get that IELTS 7. 

answer to concision 8 of 8 2nd part and the last of this concision series

Answers to Concision 8 of 8 (1st part)


Answers to Concision 8 of 8 (Part One)

Here is the original paragraph.

Most people start smoking when they are teenagers and are addicted by that time. It is a bad habit that is difficult to break. There are many different reasons why people smoke. For adolescents, the main reason might be that young people are more susceptible to peer-group pressure, and they often have a distorted thinking about this kind of behavior. They think smoking is cool, and a good way to build the bridge of friendship to other people around them. [80 words]

I will change it to the following.

One reason for smoking among teenagers is the pressure from their peers, who think smoking is ‘cool’.   [17 words]


Okay, you’re shocked, right? I changed 80 words to 17? But the fact is that the paragraph was not well written at all. Let’s see why, by analysing each of its sentences.

Most people start smoking when they are teenagers and are addicted by that time.

This sentence is essay background. It was already said in the introduction, so it does not need to be repeated here.

It is a bad habit that is difficult to break.

This just repeats the previous sentence/concept. It is unnecessary.

There are many different reasons why people smoke.

Again, just repeating words. We are going in circles here, but to get an IELTS 7 you need ‘clear progression throughout’.

For adolescents, the main reason might be that young people are more susceptible to peer-group pressure,

‘Adolescents’ repeats ‘people from the previous sentence, and then ‘young people’ repeats them both. Also, isn’t everyone subject to peer-group pressure? Why not just talk about people!

and they often have a distorted thinking about this kind of behavior. They think smoking is cool,

Is the first sentence logical? If all the teenager’s friends think smoking is ‘cool’, then it is cool. It became a fact, because ‘coolness’ is a subjective feeling decided by others. And do we need this sentence? The point is made in the second sentence.

and a good way to build the bridge of friendship to other people around them.

‘Build the bridge of friendship’ is an interesting use of English, but you could just replace the whole parts with, ‘and develops friendships’. However, the whole sentence just repeats the concept already made clear by ‘peer’ and ‘pressure’. Why not say something new?

In the next (and last) post of this series, I’ll re-write the paragraph to be REALLY good.

By the way, go to aisielts.com to get more information and resources to help you get that IELTS 7. 

answers to concision 8 of 8 1st part

Concision: the key to IELTS 7 (8 of 8) // Let’s practise being concise


Let’s Practice Being Concise (8 of 8)

In this last concision exercise, let’s look at a whole paragraph. This was written by a student in the past, and the essay was about smoking, and how to reduce the amount of smoking in society. The following paragraph is based on a reason for smoking, but the paragraph is very over-written, very repetitive, and not designed well. Can you see the problems?

Try making the following paragraph clearer, better designed, and more concise. The answer will be given and explained in the next post.

Most people start smoking when they are teenagers and are addicted by that time. It is a bad habit that is difficult to break. There are many different reasons why people smoke. For adolescents, the main reason might be that young people are more susceptible to peer-group pressure, and they often have a distorted thinking about this kind of behavior. They think smoking is cool, and a good way to build the bridge of friendship to other people around them.

[80 words]

Answers to Concision 7 of 8


I think this is quite a good model, as well being a practical method to help people who are faced with this problem. [23 words]

… becomes …

This is a practical method to help people. [8 words]


The diagram shows the process of making plastic bottles. These products are made from raw material. [16 words]

… becomes …

The diagram shows the process of making plastic bottles from raw material. [12 words]


The material is subject to a chemical reaction. This causes the reaction of the molecules. Then, due to this chemical effect the material becomes plastic granules. [26 words]

… becomes …

The molecules of the material undergo a chemical reaction, transforming into plastic granules. [13 words]


The plastic interacts with the heating element, which supplies heat in order to melt the plastic into a liquid. [19 words]

… becomes …

The heating element melts the plastic. [13 words]

By the way, go to aisielts.com to get more information and resources to help you get that IELTS 7. 

concision the key to ielts 7 8 of 8 lets practise being concise

Concision: the key to IELTS 7 (7 of 8) // Let’s practise being concise


Let’s Practice Being Concise (7 of 8)

Try making the following sentences more concise. The answers will be given and explained in the next post.


I think this is quite a good model, as well being a practical method to help people who are faced with this problem. [23 words]


The diagram shows the process of making plastic bottles. These products are made from raw material. [16 words]


The material is subject to a chemical reaction. This causes the reaction of the molecules. Then, due to this chemical effect the material becomes plastic granules. [26 words]


The plastic interacts with the heating element, which supplies heat in order to melt the plastic into a liquid. [19 words]

Answers to Concision 6 of 8


Adolescents may hesitate and be under unemployed situations for a long time. In this period of time, they do not have basic economic income. [24 words]

… becomes …

Adolescents may be unemployed, and without income. [7 words]


People who smoke can be fined a very large amount of money in order to discourage them from this habit. [20 words]

… becomes …

People who smoke can be fined. [6 words]

[The part about being discouraged is obvious from the context].


The government can raise the tax on cigarettes to, on the one hand, reduce the number of people who buy cigarettes, and on the other hand, it can increase the tax revenue they receive. [34 words]

… becomes …

The government can raise the tax on cigarettes to discourage smokers and increase its revenue. [15 words]


Seeing these pictures, smokers may spend more time thinking about whether they should keep the smoking habit or whether it is better to stop it. [25 words]

… becomes …

Seeing those pictures, smokers may reconsider the merits of their habit. [11 words]


Nicotine can transfer into a special substance which has the effect on the brain to reduce stress. [17 words]

… becomes …

Nicotine reduces stress. [3 words]

[IELTS essays are not science classes. We don’t need all the science explained.]

By the way, go to aisielts.com to get more information and resources to help you get that IELTS 7. 

concision the key to ielts 7 7 of 8 lets practise being concise







L:6.5 R:8 W:6.5 S:6 Overall 7


在8月的找補習班的時候,去聽了蠻多家大型連鎖的補習班,發現大部分補習班的IELTS 雅思課程都是可以馬上插進去上,而且每一堂


做得到的事不用找補習班,所以都沒有去上。後來在同學的推薦下找到了Andrew老師的IELTS 雅思系統,不得不說老師的系統真的非



Andrew老師完全顛覆我做閱讀測驗的方式!以前我都是先看題目再開始看文章,但是稍微瞭解過IELTS 雅思閱讀的人應該都知道,雅











是背模板或是死背一些句子,老師的寫作課是真的會全面提升寫作技巧,雖然是針對IELTS 雅思寫作去教,但我覺得老師的系統對平









聽力真的要!很!專!心!大家都知道考IELTS 雅思時很早就要報到,聽力又是第一科考,我自己就是一開始很緊張又晃神又想睡,





有些根本是考古的1.5倍啊!!2.我在準備期間的通勤時間都在聽英文歌或是bbc 6minutes English,bbc 6minutes












錯QQ Andrew老師會教很多口試的小技巧,像是轉折、層次、分點等等,還有肢體動作也是可以顯得自然、同時讓自己放鬆的


總結,我覺得面對IELTS 雅思,Andrew老師會把所有技巧交給你,也會同時提升你各方面的實力,並不是只有應付考試而已!Andrew








IELTS 雅思Overall7.5 ( W5.5⇒W7 ) + 補習&自學 心得

第一次到PTT發文,想分享一下這幾個月準備IELTS 雅思的心得

格式排版等等若有不正確請見諒 >___<





6/30 L7.5 R7 W5.5 S6.5 O6.5

9/29 L6 R7.5 W6.5 S6.5 O6.5

11/3 L8 R8.5 W7 S7 O7.5


時X補習班 一期

個人工作室 5堂

Andrew老師 一期

一開始準備IELTS 雅思時正值畢業最後一學期事情很多,因為不想花過多的時間在上面,所以選































前期有聽6 Minute English,開始準備後練習了劍7~13。


題目來增加考試技巧!做久了就知道大概什麼時候答案要出來,而且IELTS 雅思聽力出題方式都
















慎小擬IELTS 雅思寫作劍12


Andrew的書*2 看兩次 推!













鐘真的很有差,之後準備二戰時直接一口氣買了半年,就算準備完IELTS 雅思也想繼續拿來保持


另外我也有用IELTS 雅思哥題庫準備,考前一定都會把每一題part1~part3走過,part2會寫下點


的part2都是從題庫裡面出的!所以真心建議可以下載IELTS 雅思哥題庫來練習喔!

最後祝大家早日擺脫IELTS 雅思^_^


Concision: the key to IELTS 7 (6 of 8) // Let’s practise being concise


Let’s Practice Being Concise (6 of 8)

Try making the following sentences more concise. The answers will be given and explained in the next post.


Adolescents may hesitate and be under unemployed situations for a long time. In this period of time, they do not have basic economic income. [24 words]


People who smoke can be fined a very large amount of money in order to discourage them from this habit. [20 words]


The government can raise the tax on cigarettes to, on the one hand, reduce the number of people who buy cigarettes, and on the other hand, it can increase the tax revenue. [32 words]


Seeing these pictures, smokers may spend more time thinking about whether they should keep the smoking habit or whether it is better to stop it. [25 words]


Nicotine can transfer into a special substance which has the effect on the brain to reduce stress. [17 words]

Answers to Concision 5 of 8


Possessing guns is a way to fight against the government which abuses its power and uses excessive authority to rule the citizens in an unfair way. [25 words]

… becomes …

Guns are a way to fight against repressive governments. [9 words]


Singapore is one of the countries in the world which has capital punishment. [13 words]

… becomes …

Singapore has capital punishment. [4 words]


Because of the enforcement of capital punishment, it will be a deterrent to most of the people who are intending to commit a crime. [24 words]

… becomes …

Capital punishment deters most potential criminals. [6 words]


Only a small portion of the money reaches poor people. For example, in many African countries, only a very small amount of funds delivered actually reaches those in need. [29 words]

… becomes …

Only a small portion of the money reaches poor people, such as in many African countries. [16 words]

[PS: this is from my IELTS Writing Task Two Book: Ex.47, Part Two, 3b (p.121)


This service could teach life skills. In addition to this, not only life skills, but also mental training can be learnt. [21 words]

… becomes …

This service teaches both life and mental skills. [8 words]

By the way, go to aisielts.com to get more information and resources to help you get that IELTS 7. 

concision the key to ielts 7 6 of 8 lets practise being concise

Concision: the key to IELTS 7 (5 of 8) // Let’s practise being concise


Let’s Practice Being Concise (5 of 8)

Try making the following sentences more concise. The answers will be given and explained in the next post. 


Possessing guns is a way to fight against the government which abuses its power and uses excessive authority to rule the citizens in an unfair way. [25 words]


Singapore is one of the countries in the world which has capital punishment. [13 words]


Because of the enforcement of capital punishment, it will be a deterrent to most of the people who are intending to commit a crime. [24 words]


Only a small portion of the money reaches poor people. For example, in many African countries, only a very small amount of funds delivered actually reaches those in need. [29 words]


This service could teach life skills. In addition to this, not only life skills, but also mental training can be learnt. [21 words]

Answers to Concision 4 of 8


Although people buy guns from certified stores, they can still buy guns from illegal stores as well. [17 words]

… becomes …

Guns can always be purchased illegally. [6 words]


Some countries, such as Taiwan, have applied this strategy, and some of the smokers in those countries have responded to the monetary pressure, and reduced their amount of smoking. [29 words]

… becomes …

Some countries, such as Taiwan, have successfully applied this strategy. [10 words]


One reason for the massacre is depressed teenagers or people who have mental illness could buy firearms more easily. [19 words]

… becomes …

One reason for the massacre is the availability of guns. [10 words]


Guns being misused is very commonly seen in our daily lives. [11 words]

… becomes …

Guns are often misused. [4 words]


This could be useful in the event that burglars manage to break in and illegally enter the house, or home invaders manager to enter the house illegally. [27 words]

… becomes …

This could be useful in the event of burglary or home invasion. [12 words]

By the way, go to aisielts.com to get more information and resources to help you get that IELTS 7. 

concision the key to ielts 7 5 of 8 lets practise being concise

Concision: the key to IELTS 7 (4 of 8) // Let’s practise being concise


Let’s Practice Being Concise (4 of 8)

Try making the following sentences more concise. The answers will be given and explained in the next post.


Although people buy guns from certified stores, they can still buy guns from illegal stores as well. [17 words]


Some countries, such as Taiwan, have applied this strategy, and some of the smokers in those countries have responded to the monetary pressure, and reduced their amount of smoking. [29 words]


One reason for the massacre is depressed teenagers or people who have mental illness could buy firearms more easily. [19 words]


Guns being misused is very commonly seen in our daily lives. [11 words]


This could be useful in the event that burglars manage to break in and illegally enter the house, or home invaders manager to enter the house illegally. [27 words]

Answers to Concision 3 of 8


Customers can confirm the quality of the items and ensure the products are suitable for their needs. [17 words]

… becomes …

Customers can confirm the quality and suitability of the items. [10 words]


They can find the cheapest price, to lower their expense, and that way save money for other purchases. [18 words]

… becomes …

They can find the cheapest price. [6 words]


Recently, I have been told that I have been accepted … [10 words]

… becomes …

I have been accepted … [4 words]


Books are highest, and these are followed by newspapers, which are less than books by 20%. [16 words]

… becomes …

Books are highest, followed by newspapers at 20% less. [9 words]


As a role of mother and father, they want … [9 words]

… becomes …

Parent want … [2 words]

By the way, go to aisielts.com to get more information and resources to help you get that IELTS 7. 

concision the key to ielts 7 4 of 8 lets practise being concise

Concision: the key to IELTS 7 (3 of 8) // Let’s practise being concise


Let’s Practice Being Concise (3 of 8)

Try making the following sentences more concise.


Customers can confirm the quality of the items and ensure the products are suitable for their needs. [17 words]


They can find the cheapest price, to lower their expense, and that way save money for other purchases. [18 words]


Recently, I have been told that I have been accepted … [10 words]


Books are highest, and these are followed by newspapers, which are less than books by 20%. [16 words]


As a role of mother and father, they want … [9 words]

Answers and explanations will be given in the next post.

By the way, go to aisielts.com to get more information and resources to help you get that IELTS 7. 

concision the key to ielts 7 3 of 8 lets practise being concise